Accueil / Actualités / Call for papers : 欧汉会第四届国际研讨会 “欧洲多元文化和语言视角下的 中高等教育中汉语教学的回顾、现状和展望” 第一号会议通知

Call for papers : 欧汉会第四届国际研讨会 “欧洲多元文化和语言视角下的 中高等教育中汉语教学的回顾、现状和展望” 第一号会议通知

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为了加强欧洲和全球汉语教学学者之间的学术交流,共同探讨所关心的学术和学科问题,以促进汉语二语教学学科建设和发展,欧洲汉语教学协会(EACT)每两年举办一次国际研讨会,迄今已经举办了三届。 第一届研讨会于2017年在匈牙利布达佩斯罗兰大学举行,第二届研讨会2019年在爱尔兰都柏林大学举行,第三届研讨会2021年在葡萄牙布拉加的米尼奥大学举行。第四届研讨会将于2023年4月21日至23日在英国南汉普顿大学举行。
本届国际研讨会由欧洲汉语教学协会,南汉普顿大学和南汉普顿大学孔子学院协助承办。本届研讨会的主题为 “欧洲多元文化和语言视角下的中高等教育中汉语教学的回顾、现状和展望”,也是欧汉会前三届研讨会的中心议题“汉语二语教学学科建设的区域性和国际性”之继续。本届研讨会将聚焦欧洲及其他国家教育体制中,特别是国民教育体里中小学的汉语教学的发展、现状和趋势,探讨欧洲和世界各地教育体制中汉语二语教学实践和理论的发展及对汉语二语教学学科建设的影响和启迪,更好地推动本学科的学科建设,并使其能与时俱进。

研讨会时间、地点与工作语言 :
2023年4月21至23日, 英国南汉普顿大学。论文发表语言为中文或英文。

研讨会研讨主题包括 :
1. 国民教育体制中的汉语教育及政策
2. 大学汉语专业和非专业的教学研究
3. 本土汉语教师的培养、培训与研究
4. 本土汉语教材的开发、出版与研究
5. 本土汉语教学大纲的开发及其研究
6. 科技作用、应用以及教学模式研究
7. 汉语学习者背景及其学习动机研究
8. 教育体制中的汉语能力标准和测评

研讨会举办预案 :

1. 用 MS Word 文档,分两页:第一页写清摘要的议题和题目、2-3 个关键词、作者姓名、工作单位以及联系方式(含电子邮箱)。第二页为摘要正文(含题目),中文字数在300 字左右,英文 400 词左右(A4 纸一页以内),中、英文均可,但请不要写作者姓名。
2. 每人作为独立作者或第一作者只可提交一篇论文摘要,同时还可作为非第一作者合作提交另一篇摘要。
3. 请以电子邮件的附件发至 (具体邮箱将在十月的会议第二号通知中公布)
4. 会议网上注册、付费方式等将在会议后续的通知中详告。本届研讨会不接受其它方式的投稿,敬请谅解。

论文摘要提交截止日期:2022 年12月 31 日
论文入选通知(电子邮件):2023 年 1 月 31 日前
论文报告人确认参会并网上注册截止日期:2023年2 月 28日
非论文报告人网上注册参会截止日期 : 2023 年 3月 15 日

研讨会注册费 100 欧元,欧洲汉语教学会员 25 欧元,在读研究生和网上参会注册费为75欧元。会议注册费包括会议材料和茶歇。其它费用自理。

研讨会筹委秘书处邮箱 (具体邮箱将在十月的会议第二号通知中公布)

The 4th International Symposium of the European Association
of Chinese Teaching (EACT)

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow : Chinese Language Education in Secondary and Higher Education from a Multilingual and Multicultural Perspective


The European Association of Chinese Teaching (EACT) organises an international symposium every two years in different countries in Europe, with the aim to strengthen academic exchanges among practitioners and scholars in Europe and all around the world, to jointly discuss academic issues of common concern, and to promote the development of teaching Chinese as a second language as an academic discipline. The first symposium was held at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary in 2017, the second at University College Dublin, Ireland in 2019, and the third at the University of Minho in Braga, Portugal in 2021. EACT is now pleased to announce that the 4th symposium will be held at the University of Southampton, UK on the 21st to 23rd of April 2023.
The 4th international symposium will be jointly organised by the EACT, the University of Southampton and its Confucius Institute. The theme of the symposium is “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow : Chinese Language Education in Secondary and Higher Education from a Multilingual and Multicultural Perspective”, reflecting and continuing the common underlying theme of all three previous symposia of the EACT, that is, “regionality and internationality in the development of teaching Chinese as a second language as an academic discipline”. This year, the symposium will focus on the past development, the current situation and future trends of Chinese language education in national education systems, particularly in schools, and in institutions of higher education in Europe and elsewhere. The development of both theories and practices of teaching Chinese as a second language in Europe and beyond, as well as their impact on and insights into the development of teaching Chinese as second language as an academic discipline will be explored so as to better promote the discipline and keep it up to date.
The UK is one of the leading countries in Europe in terms of the development and scale of Chinese language education with a long history. The 4th symposium at the University of Southampton welcomes colleagues and postgraduate students from Europe and all around the world who are interested in the theme of this symposium to participate and share their academic research and teaching experiences looking at the past, the present and future of Chinese language education in different countries in Europe and the world. It is also an opportunity to explore the relationship between “International Chinese Language Education” and teaching Chinese as a second language in a multilingual and multicultural environment through exchange and reflections, and to contribute to the theoretical development of our discipline and the enhancement of good teaching practices with research and suggestions.
A scientific committee will be set up to conduct anonymous review of the submitted abstracts, and the author of the accepted abstract will present the paper in the relevant panel (each presentation is 20 minutes, including Q&A time) at the symposium.

21st to 23rd of April 2023, University of Southampton, United Kingdom. Presentations and papers can be presented either in Chinese or English.

1. Chinese language education and policy in different national education systems
2. Teaching and learning of Chinese both as a degree and as a course for different pur-poses and research in higher education
3. Chinese language teacher education and professional development and research in different countries
4. Development, publication of Chinese language teaching materials and research in different countries
5. Research and development of Chinese language education syllabus in home countries
6. Role, application and models of information and communication technologies (ICT) in Chinese language education and research in different countries
7. Research on Chinese learners, such as their background, motivation and implications for and impact on Chinese learning and teaching
8. Chinese language proficiency standards and assessment in different education sys-tems


The symposium will be held in a hybrid mode of both offline and online, however the number of online sessions may be limited.

1. A Microsoft Word document consisting of two pages. The first page should contain the field and title of the abstract, two to three keywords, the author’s name, institution and contact details (including email address). The second page is the abstract with the title but should not include the name of the author, either in Chinese or in English. The abstract should be approximately 300 words in Chinese or about 400 words in English (up to one A4 page).
2. Each person can submit only one abstract as an independent. It is possible to submit one other abstract as a co-author.
3. Abstracts should be sent as an email attachment to (the actual email address will be announced in the second notice of the conference in October). Please note that no other submissions will be accepted for this symposium.
4. Online registration and payment methods will be announced in a subsequent notice..

Deadline for abstract submission : 31st December 2022
Notification of paper selection (by email) : by 31st January 2023
Deadline for paper presenters to confirm participation and register online : 28th February 2023
Deadline for non-paper presenters to register online : 15th March 2023

The registration fee for the symposium is €100, €25 for EACT members, and €75 for current postgraduate students and online participants. The registration fee includes conference materials and refreshment breaks. Participants are responsible for all other expenses.

Email address of the Symposium Secretariat (to be published in the second notice of the conference in October)

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